To spread the original, universal and eternal truth, path or law of yoga, which remains forever the same in essence, yet always adapts to the time and place.

Saraswati Mantra
Online mantra for worship of Saraswati - by Harish Johari

Read more about Saraswati.

Saraswati Mantra playing online
( just wait for the mp3 file to be downloaded (630 KB) - it rewinds automatically untill you close this new window)


Aing is the bij-akshar (seed syllable or condensed form of the larger mantra) of Saraswati.
If repeated 500.000 times, one can see Saraswati and will become enlightened.
50.000 Repetitions should be accompagnied by Homa.

About this page

52 MANTRAS NOW ON AUDIO CD : This Saraswati mantra chanted by Harish Johari is cut from the "Sounds of Tantra" audio CD, which contains 52 mantras. The text and a lot more details on mantra chanting and tantric rituals are extracted from the "Tools for Tantra" book by Harish Johari.

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Sanatan Society is an international networking association of students of the late Harish Johari, joining efforts to promote his teachings of yoga philosophy, tantra, worship, art and love. Sanatan Society stands for the original, universal and eternal truth, path or law of yoga. Though it is Hindu in origin, Sanatan Society is not limited to any religion, race, time or country, nor in fact to any particular organisation. More about Sanatan Society...

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