To spread the original, universal and eternal truth, path or law of yoga, which remains forever the same in essence, yet always adapts to the time and place.

Folowing are a number of free coloring pages for Hindu kids, some easy, some more difficult. They can be printed out easily and make for hours of fun.

They provide good coloring pages when printed normally. For older kids and art students that like to use them as a basis for painting, draft printing may be used so that the lines are not too thick.

People that cannot yet read the PDF files used : you can download the Acrobat PDF reader program for free here.

The files weigh between 100 and 200 KB, so for some people might take a while to download.


About this page

These coloring plates were made by Geva Weltevrede, mostly on the basis of paintings by Pieter Weltevrede.

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